Chapter 2 … Done!

When it comes to writing fiction, for me, it really helps to have a plan, and … unfortunately … it also helps to have so much “recent inspiration” when it comes to the horrible things people have done (in terms of terrorism and gross acts of...

Chapter 1 … Done! :)

So, it’s March 18th, and the first chapter and introduction to “Fallen” are complete.  With a universe that has so rich a history (not just patting myself on the back here – there are five books in this series), you can’t bring up...

A “Cover” for Purebred

When I print my own copies of the books (and I’ve had an outstanding Christmas present for printing hard covers of all of my books for my own library, by the way), I like to put an attractive cover on it.  Some of that art has ended up on the web site!  Now,...

Introduction Complete

Working on “the Fallen,” I now have the introduction complete (and a bit of the first chapter).  One of the interesting challenges is to conquer how to bring in those who haven’t read your books before while not boring your readers who have.  In some...

“The Fallen” begins!

The writing of “The Fallen” is now officially underway (as of March 1st)!  After a season of growing peace, prosperity, and progress for mixed bloods, the secretive Foundationalists feel their whole way of life is threatened, and the future of Thuria is...