Actually, this update is a little late in terms of when Chapter 3 was actually completed – that was probably about a week ago. An upgrade of my Netbook to an “Ultra-Book” (sounds like it ought to have a cape, shiny metal skin, or something), pulled a bit of time away.
Chapter 3’s focus is interesting. Do you ever think about those “brilliant, beautiful people” in high school or college who had everything in the world going for them? We frequently presume they disappeared off into lives of fame and fortune (in some professional field), but that is not always the case. We poke around on Facebook looking for them, search the Internet, visit high school reunions, but they are simply not there. We think they’re too busy living the big life, or … perhaps not. There have been people I’ve known who were in honors, graduated top of their class, and were pointed at a glorious future … but that future simply didn’t happen.
Why didn’t it happen? Without doubt, they made mistakes or had some tragedy befall them – that’s an obvious point. However, in large part, I think that the people around them who were mature and should have been responsible failed to act in their best interest. Either through ignorance or self-interest, they directed these promising souls into lives for which they were ill-suited. Now, there are cases where the individual themselves makes bad decisions after the fact, and the downward cycle continues – as wounded, they try to make the best of what happened and find their way through the dark. Regretfully, the force of those consequences in the world and – more importantly, in themselves – is simply too much to overcome without great help or enormous effort, and not everyone is willing to try.
Merialla de Fantar was Sahni’s roommate in academy; brilliant and unique, she graduated a full season early and was pledged to be joined to an equally promising male from a noble house. With Sahni’s life in decline, it was hard for her to see Merialla leave. How surprising it is when, by accident, they encounter each other seasons later – their lives so very different from what they always thought they would be.
Chapter 4 is already underway! More soon!