Author’s Blog

Cover Compare Series: The Rescue
The Rescue was the first book I wrote after Trials of the Teldear, and it began my self-publishing journey. At first, the only desire I had was to make sure a print version would survive another computer disaster. Unfortunately, I already had two of those that...

Cover Compare Series: Trials of the Teldear
Time for something new … After a long absence, I am back again, and I have finished a long-delayed project to update and standardize my covers. Some of the covers have been with me for a very long time, and some of them, not so much. That said, I'm planning to do...

One Author’s Perspective on Scrivener
One author’s perspective … on Scrivener. At its heart, Scrivener is a word-processing application. However, it’s one that is especially designed for people who are writing big documents: authors, screenwriters, lawyers, students, researchers, and many others. Will...

Can I offer you a word of encouragement? I think there are a lot of people who shy away from taking up a creative hobby because they think they won’t be any good at it. Their first attempts were something they can’t muster up the courage to share with anyone. Maybe...

ONE AUTHOR’S PERSPECTIVE: On Self-Publishing Read and HEAR the first of this new series! CLICK HERE!

Complete website renovation! New features!
The Books of the Thurian Saga has an amazing new website! There are so many new features that it's hard to list all of them, but here are a few! Moving backgrounds!!!In-page animation!!!Layouts that work on desktop browsers as well as tablets and cell...

The lost codex of an entire civilization…
The lost codex of an entire civilization. In visiting the Mayan ruins, we were told something astounding that I just had to look up myself when we returned.

My Full Rig: My go-to for most writing!
My Full Rig: My go-to for most writing… The most critical consideration for my full-size writing rig is that it must have #Scrivener! Although I can struggle without it on my MinRig (the Kindle Fire described earlier), I have to reference my phone for Scrivener information – not great. I’ll also have to copy back into Scrivener at some point, also not great.

Researching a book after the fact!
Researching a book after the fact: Validation and Inspiration all in one visit to the amazing Chichén Itzá on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico.

MinRig: My Minimum Writing Rig
MinRig: Your Minimum Writing Rig! How small and light can you go and still write quickly and accurately? Here’s my “MinRig.”
The Thurian Saga books, this site and all content not otherwise acknowledged are copyright by James Todd Lewis 2020. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions. Use of this website constitutes agreement and compliance to the site’s Terms and Conditions. Please see the web site’s About page for acknowledgements of other works.
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