The (not so) New Year, and where things stand…  First, Happy New Year!  I’m going to try to a little bit better about posting, but in all honesty, during the holidays and Christmas, there’s not much to report other than “just hanging on.”  Now, however, I am happy to report some real progress!

First, my very much appreciated editors have finished Ascension, and it is starting the final leg of its journey into print and release!  Woot!  Really excited here!  However, there was, perhaps, a little too much excitement when I was writing it, and so now I need to do a little cutting.  I might try to take one thread out and put it on the website as a stand-alone if I can.

Also, I have made really good strides on the book that comes next, The Legacy of Aris, and I have to say its clicking pretty nicely.  I have 18 chapters so far, and so that’s nearly two thirds.  I’m trying to write a tighter, faster-paced story.  It doesn’t hurt that the characters and new, and their histories are not nearly 2,000 years long.

I am also happy to report that I’ve been able to upgrade my writing tools (updated PC and Laptop), and so the upgrades to tools like Word and the integration with platforms such as “Dropbox” are working out very nicely.

Thank you very much for reading my work.  I look forward to bringing you even more!

See you in the future!