Hi there! After finishing up some writing “vacation time,” I’m ready to start back into a “real project.” Writing vacation, by the way, is where I write something exclusively for my own enjoyment – sorry, don’t share those. Those can involve other characters from authors or television shows interacting with my characters, and while fun and a laugh for me, it’s really nothing I could ever publish… copyrights and all…
No, it’s back to that real writing stuff right now, and I’ve actually been working on (and kind of waffling between) two different projects. First, there is a final book in the Thurian series (against the current time-line) called “The Fallen.” That story is about the Foundationalists attempt to reverse all of the gains Vanarra has made on Thuria for mixed bloods. The second is the “Beyond” series, which covers a period when Vanarra is returned to Thuria 1,500 seasons after her disappearance. That looks like it’s about three books worth.
What I’m leaning towards (at the moment) is going ahead with “The Fallen.” I have a LOT of interest in the “Beyond” series, but all in all, I think I need the background for that series that “The Fallen” has to offer.
I should probably explain what I mean by “Troving,” as well. Troving is all about creating a “treasure trove” of ideas for a book. Right now, I have about 15 to 20 pages of writing that is about “Beyond” and “Fallen” – just narrative, ideas, story threads, plot concepts, and back story. Not all of those idea will actually make it into a book – and those that do will probably see some pretty severe tweaks, if previous history is any indicator. As I continue to “trove,” it lets me see if I have enough to put together a full length story.
That’s kind of why “Fallen” is winning out. Working a bit into the future with the “Beyond” ideas has shown me I need to work on some of these concepts in “Fallen.” Vanarra’s journey into a spiritual faith has, at this point, largely been non-existent, and by the time she reaches “Beyond” it will be well established. I also need to write about the origins of that belief system and what its foundations are (no pun intended here) so I can adequately describe where it goes “off the trail” 1,500 seasons later.
I also just realized that 1,500 is the number of Thurians at the Meeting Den. So, Thuria’s Golden Age lasted (after Vanarra’s passing) exactly one season for each individual she and Sahni saved (or tried to) at the Meeting Den. Neat!
Well, more later. Sorry I’ve been quiet for awhile, but even writers have holidays…