Author’s Blog
Purebred: Edit updates made! Super! Now what? Oh, Eclipse broke… guess that’s what!
For putting together my eBooks, I use a tool that I've been using for years, professionally. It's called "Eclipse," and for Java developers (and others) it's a very good IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Now, blowing out the acronym may not help you if you...
Only two more chapters to go, and Purebred will be fully edited!
Hi all! Trying really hard to push Purebred forward, getting all the edits marked before I go back and make them. According to how many MP3's I have left and their times, I have about two hours worth of editing remaining before I can start making the changes to the...
Added “The Story” to the website, and finished Purebred 13
In retrospect, I probably should've figured this out earlier. While the website has lots of information such as when I write, why I write, and how I write, as well as information about the individual books, there isn't any real short, compelling information about the...
I’ve made changes to the website with more to come!
Hi friends! I'm trying to make the story more prominent and compelling on the main page, and I'm hoping to start adding some more snippets from the stories. Now, there are bigger pictures of the books on every page, and they link right to the book's description! If...
There are free updates to the existing books!
Current Thurian Saga eBook owners! Look for that "Update" button on Amazon (under "Manage Your Content and Devices") next to the books! All of them have been updated with new content, including previews of the next book in the series! Remember, please consider leaving...
I have new business cards for the “Thurian Saga!”
(To view the books of the Thurian Saga for purchase or preview, click one of the images below or check My Author Page. Also, please follow me on Twitter!) I picked up up one great piece of advice from a good artist friend of mine. She has been using Overnight Prints...
Discoveries about advertising are trial and error, but useful!
An artist friend of mine, in her FAQ, offers several quick suggestions on ways to advertise. She suggested a banner ad on a special interest website, convention book advertisements, Project Wonderful, and business cards. The first advertising mechanism I went for was...
Old Books Listing
(To view the books of the Thurian Saga for purchase or preview, click one of the images below or check My Author Page. Also, please follow me on Twitter!) Book 12 (NEW!!!): To Morzan, the planet of Alkyr Two was a refuge, a...
Writer’s block isn’t such a bad thing, if you can make it work for you.
(To view the books for purchase or preview, click The Rescue or My Author Page. Follow me on Twitter!) I'll be the very first to admit that I am not a professional author. I do this for fun! Sure, I try real hard to put out a good product that's easy to read...
Ten years in Orlando, and I love being here.
(To view the books for purchase or preview, click The Rescue or My Author Page. Follow me on Twitter!) A friend of mine equates living in Orlando with living in a stomach (as far as the weather goes), and in contrast to where I used to live (in Virginia), there are...
The Thurian Saga books, this site and all content not otherwise acknowledged are copyright by James Todd Lewis 2020. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions. Use of this website constitutes agreement and compliance to the site’s Terms and Conditions. Please see the web site’s About page for acknowledgements of other works.
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