Author’s Blog
Chapter 6 … Done!
For those of you old enough to remember (which should be most people, more or less), do you remember what it felt like after 9-11? There is a sense of grief and loss that transcends and connects us, or at least, you think it would. Now, there certainly was a sense...
The Challenges of “The Fallen”
If the world thought you were you guilty, how would you ever clear your name? If individual after individual pointed to you as the chief architect of a conspiracy you knew nothing about, how do you prove you're not involved? What if it's not just you - an individual...
Chapter 5 … Done!
Not much time to opine, as it happens! The story line is going right to plan, and I'm looking forward to the next portion of the book, which deals with the consequences of horrible events on Thuria. This world has been shaken, and it will be interesting to see how...
Chapter 4 … Done!
It's funny - I'm thinking that "I need to finish Chapter 4" until I look at the page count and how nicely I finished up a particular section of writing. So, although I thought I was going to "get more done" in that chapter, the truth is that it involves Sahnassa...
Another cause for distraction…
Another reason I've delayed a bit on progress of the Fallen is that I was blessed with an idea for two more! What if you were about die in an accident of some kind, and suddenly you wake up to find yourself in a new life? The idea isn't new and unique, but the place...
Chapter 3 … Done!
Actually, this update is a little late in terms of when Chapter 3 was actually completed - that was probably about a week ago. An upgrade of my Netbook to an "Ultra-Book" (sounds like it ought to have a cape, shiny metal skin, or something), pulled a bit of time...
Chapter 2 … Done!
When it comes to writing fiction, for me, it really helps to have a plan, and ... unfortunately ... it also helps to have so much "recent inspiration" when it comes to the horrible things people have done (in terms of terrorism and gross acts of misconduct - I'm...
Chapter 1 … Done! 🙂
So, it's March 18th, and the first chapter and introduction to "Fallen" are complete. With a universe that has so rich a history (not just patting myself on the back here - there are five books in this series), you can't bring up everything that's happened. At some...
A “Cover” for Purebred
When I print my own copies of the books (and I've had an outstanding Christmas present for printing hard covers of all of my books for my own library, by the way), I like to put an attractive cover on it. Some of that art has ended up on the web site! Now, Purebred...
Introduction Complete
Working on "the Fallen," I now have the introduction complete (and a bit of the first chapter). One of the interesting challenges is to conquer how to bring in those who haven't read your books before while not boring your readers who have. In some cases, it's been...
The Thurian Saga books, this site and all content not otherwise acknowledged are copyright by James Todd Lewis 2020. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions. Use of this website constitutes agreement and compliance to the site’s Terms and Conditions. Please see the web site’s About page for acknowledgements of other works.
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