Author’s Blog

Purebred tops 300!

Hi there!  Thanks to a couple of bursts of writing and some scenes which really flowed nicely, "Purebred" is over the 300 page mark!  The story is coming together very nicely, as well, with our heroines stepping on each others toes, blundering into the sensitive...

What works and what doesn’t…

For the first time, I went on vacation leaving my NetBook at home and took my tablet with its new keyboard case to see how it would do.  When on vacation, the time available to write drops (because you're there to see the people, right?). However, when everyone...

“Purebred” over the 200 mark!

I am happy to report that "Purebred" is over the 200 page mark!  Both characters are set upon their courses, eventually bringing them to a meeting.  That meeting isn't very far away, in terms of pages.  When I get there, that will be some very fun, very challenging...

Changing fortunes…

"Purebred" is now at 184 pages, and things are moving fast.  Orbits are drawing closer together, although at this point, there are still a number of seasons (years) before the two actually meet.  One character has already reached bottom and started to work her way...

What’s really hard to do when writing…

You know, of all of the sports and jobs and travails and difficulties people go through, writing isn't exactly difficult in the physical dimension of danger or bodily exhaustion.  Writing is a mental task, for the most part.  So please understand that I have my...

Cool old Sci-Fi Magazine Covers!

Cool old Sci-Fi Magazine Covers!

Okay, I went hunting for public domain sci-fi images on the web and stumbled across "Project Gutenberg."  Their books on science fiction collection was just hilarious!  Some of the covers were an absolute riot!  I've included a few in the website, but I just couldn't...

What I’m working on right now!

Hi there!  I'm working on an exciting new project that I've really been wanting to write ever since I finished "The Rescue!"  "Purebred" (working title) tells the story of Vanarra and Sahnassa before the events at the Meeting Den.  When "The Rescue" narrative begins,...

It’s finally finished (for now…)

If you have happened across this website before now, it looked very different, far more simple. Now, thanks to the assistance of WordPress, I am happy to say that a much more useful and descriptive presence is now available!  I'm really pleased with how it turned out!...

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my author's web log.  I hope you enjoy what you read!

The Thurian Saga books, this site and all content not otherwise acknowledged are copyright by James Todd Lewis 2020.  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions. Use of this website constitutes agreement and compliance to the site’s Terms and Conditions.  Please see the web site’s About page for acknowledgements of other works. 
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