by Site Administrator | Sep 12, 2018 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
What’s in the backlog of things to do? Well, it’s not just coming up with the story, and to make that clear, here’s what is on my plate right now for “things to do!” Finish the last pre-editor review for The Legacy of Aris and send the...
by Site Administrator | Sep 9, 2018 | Uncategorized, Writing Process, Writing Updates
The Legacy of Aris cover preview! I had to share this one sooner rather than later because I’m so happy with how it came out! Again using the amazing character art of Kat Miller and a book cover design by ebook, there is a truly epic cover waiting...
by Site Administrator | Sep 2, 2018 | Author's Comments, Writing Process, Writing Updates
Progress Report – The Legacy of Aris (and other projects). What exactly is happening right now in the wonderful world of writing? 😉 The completed manuscript is now in its fourth internal (my own) review. As a reminder, here they are… In-line review: ...
by Site Administrator | Aug 13, 2018 | Informational
“You have so many books! Where would I even start?” It’s a question I get because there are, yes, quite a number of books out there. I’ve got a new guide which you might find helpful! Check out WHERE DO I START? for more information! Thanks and have a...
by Site Administrator | Aug 11, 2018 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
Imagine a world where those who harbor hope are considered insane, where everyone fears and hates their gods, and where being born is a curse. That is the planet of the Mayara, their burning and spiteful goddess shining in the skies above creating hardship,...