by JTL | Apr 11, 2012 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
It’s funny – I’m thinking that “I need to finish Chapter 4” until I look at the page count and how nicely I finished up a particular section of writing. So, although I thought I was going to “get more done” in that chapter,...
by JTL | Apr 6, 2012 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
Another reason I’ve delayed a bit on progress of the Fallen is that I was blessed with an idea for two more! What if you were about die in an accident of some kind, and suddenly you wake up to find yourself in a new life? The idea isn’t new and unique,...
by JTL | Apr 6, 2012 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
Actually, this update is a little late in terms of when Chapter 3 was actually completed – that was probably about a week ago. An upgrade of my Netbook to an “Ultra-Book” (sounds like it ought to have a cape, shiny metal skin, or something), pulled...
by JTL | Mar 26, 2012 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
When it comes to writing fiction, for me, it really helps to have a plan, and … unfortunately … it also helps to have so much “recent inspiration” when it comes to the horrible things people have done (in terms of terrorism and gross acts of...
by JTL | Mar 18, 2012 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
So, it’s March 18th, and the first chapter and introduction to “Fallen” are complete. With a universe that has so rich a history (not just patting myself on the back here – there are five books in this series), you can’t bring up...
by JTL | Mar 14, 2012 | Author's Comments, Writing Updates
When I print my own copies of the books (and I’ve had an outstanding Christmas present for printing hard covers of all of my books for my own library, by the way), I like to put an attractive cover on it. Some of that art has ended up on the web site! Now,...